My sister Mary Grace Debow is the One Tree Of Life's Organizational director and design coordinator. The secret of my payroll at the moment is: I trade my time for her expertise. I have been teaching a Creative Arts and Cooking class to LEVITY, BELLA, and MUSIC Debow every Thursday.
-Have our weekly charity meetings
-Work on my skills as a teacher
-Spend quality time with my nieces
-Give my sister one minute to breathe without them
-And to bring creative air with me where ever I go
These are some photo highlights of the past few months with the kids.

Chocolate Chip Muffin Quiz & Ingredients

She got an A+


Planning our headbands


^^ Levity in action ^^


Tomorrow we are going to learn how to make Potato Soup and our art hour will be spent writing and illustrating each child's personal mini story book.
Stay Tuned!