This week we sang a song it said "Fill us up, and send us out." All week I have just felt a huge blanket of piece over every piece of life. Even as people began to disappoint me and thing began to go wrong. There was just this very real peace. There are more important things in life. It was really cool. I honestly got nothing out of the teaching though. I feel like a sponge that is completely full of water and the only way to absorb more is to squeeze it out and I just don't want to.
Again and again I poor myself into relationships just to have to say goodbye. I just have to remember it is worth it. I have to repeat that to myself often.
Matthew 6:33-34 "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it's own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."
Here we go.

Rozzy Wilma Teresa and Hannah are off to
Darwin, Australia and Bali, Indonesia!
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